What is CGPA? Know everything about it

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is a grading system used in schools and colleges to measure your overall academic performance.

CGPA is calculated by averaging the grade points obtained in all subjects, except those subjects where grades are not awarded. It’s a way of showing your overall academic achievement in a single number.

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How CGPA is Calculated

Explanation of the Grading System

In many educational institutions, the grading system is used to evaluate students’ performance in their courses. Each course is assigned a certain number of credits, and students receive grades for their performance in each course.

These grades are usually represented as letters (A, B, C, etc.) or numbers (10, 9, 8, etc.). Each grade has a corresponding grade point, which is used to calculate the CGPA.

Steps to Calculate CGPA from Individual Grades

  1. List All Courses and Their Grades: Start by listing all the courses you have taken along with the grades you received in each course.
  2. Convert Grades to Grade Points: Convert each grade to its corresponding grade point. This conversion is based on the institution’s grading scale. For example, an A might correspond to a 10, a B to an 8, and so on.
  3. Multiply Grade Points by Credits: For each course, multiply the grade point by the number of credits assigned to that course. This gives you the total grade points for each course.
  4. Sum of Total Grade Points: Add up the total grade points for all the courses.
  5. Sum of Credits: Add up the total number of credits for all the courses.
  6. Calculate CGPA: Divide the sum of the total grade points by the sum of the total credits. The result is your CGPA.

Example Calculation for Better Understanding

Let’s say you have completed 5 courses in a semester. Here are your grades and the corresponding credits for each course:

CourseGradeGrade PointCredits
  1. Convert Grades to Grade Points and Multiply by Credits:
  • Math: 10 (Grade Point) * 4 (Credits) = 40
  • Science: 8 (Grade Point) * 3 (Credits) = 24
  • English: 10 (Grade Point) * 2 (Credits) = 20
  • History: 6 (Grade Point) * 3 (Credits) = 18
  • Art: 8 (Grade Point) * 2 (Credits) = 16
  1. Sum of Total Grade Points:
  • 40 + 24 + 20 + 18 + 16 = 118
  1. Sum of Credits:
  • 4 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 14
  1. Calculate CGPA:
  • CGPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credits
  • CGPA = 118 / 14
  • CGPA = 8.43

Your CGPA for the semester is 8.43.

CGPA Grading Scales

Different Grading Scales Used by Educational Institutions

Educational institutions around the world use various grading scales to assess student performance. These grading scales convert letter grades (A, B, C, etc.) or numerical scores into grade points, which are then used to calculate the CGPA. Here are some common grading scales:

4.0 Scale: Commonly used in the United States. The grade points range from 0 to 4.0.

  • A: 4.0
  • B: 3.0
  • C: 2.0
  • D: 1.0
  • F: 0.0

10.0 Scale: Used by many institutions in India and other countries.

  • A: 10
  • B: 8
  • C: 6
  • D: 4
  • E: 2
  • F: 0

5.0 Scale: Used in some universities in Europe and Asia.

  • A: 5.0
  • B: 4.0
  • C: 3.0
  • D: 2.0
  • E: 1.0
  • F: 0.0

Conversion of CGPA to Percentage and Vice Versa

Different institutions use various methods to convert CGPA to percentage and vice versa. Here are some common methods:

Multiplying CGPA by a Fixed Number:

  • Many Indian universities convert CGPA to percentage by multiplying the CGPA by 9.5.
  • Formula: Percentage = CGPA * 9.5
  • For example, if your CGPA is 8.0, the percentage is 8.0 * 9.5 = 76%.

Different Multipliers for Different Institutions:

  • Some institutions may use different multipliers, like 10 or 9.0, depending on their grading policies.
  • Example: If the multiplier is 10, and your CGPA is 8.0, the percentage is 8.0 * 10 = 80%.

Percentage to CGPA Conversion:

  • To convert a percentage back to CGPA, you can use the inverse of the multiplier method.
  • Formula: CGPA = Percentage / 9.5 (or the respective multiplier)
  • For example, if your percentage is 76%, the CGPA is 76 / 9.5 = 8.0.

Example Conversion

Let’s say your CGPA is 7.5, and your institution uses the 9.5 multiplier:

  • Percentage: 7.5 * 9.5 = 71.25%

If you have a percentage score of 85%, and your institution uses a 10.0 multiplier:

  • CGPA: 85 / 10 = 8.5

Importance of CGPA

The importance of CGPA in academic evaluation is very important. Here’s why CGPA holds such importance:

  1. Holistic Assessment of Performance: CGPA shows how well you’re doing in all your subjects. It’s not just about being great in one subject. It looks at how good you are in all of them. This gives a better view of what you can do and what you know.
  2. Benchmark for Higher Education: For students aspiring for higher studies, CGPA is another important criterion for admissions. Universities and colleges frequently use CGPA as a benchmark to assess a candidate’s academic prowess and eligibility for some courses or programs.
  3. Standardization Across Different Boards: With various educational boards with different marking schemes, CGPA offers a standardized measure of academic success. This makes it easier to compare academic achievements across different educational systems.
  4. Motivation for Consistent Performance: CGPA is an average of your grades. It makes you want to do well in all your subjects. When you try to keep your grades up in every class, you learn more overall. This way of learning helps you get a full education.
  5. Indicator for Employers: Many employers look at a candidate’s CGPA as an indicator of their academic dedication and ability to grasp and apply knowledge. A good CGPA can open doors to initial shortlisting in job interviews.
  6. Reflects Time Management and Hard Work: To get a good CGPA, you need to work hard all the time. You have to be disciplined and manage your time well. These are skills that will help you a lot. So, when you work on your CGPA, you are also learning skills that will be useful later.
  7. Opportunities for Scholarships and Funding: Students with high CGPA scores will get more access to more scholarships and funding opportunities.


In summary, CGPA is more than just a number; it’s a reflection of a student’s commitment, consistency, and hard work throughout their academic journey. It plays a very important role in opening up future educational and career opportunities.


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